against humanity

Screen Shot 2012-12-31 at 3.32.44 PMi am normally for humanity. i find it enriching, fuzzy and gooey, yadda, yadda.

but let’s face it…inside we are all a little (or in some cases completely) terrible, awful, disgusting people.

it’s the reason the word schadenfreude exists. and movies such as the hangover.

and because schadenfreude is just a fleeting moment of completely mal-intented glee, some really screwed up people created a game called cards against humanity.

self-described as “a free party game for horrible people,” its apples-to-apples gone wrong. very, very wrong.

the game is extremely simple (which makes it an even better drinking game). each round, one player asks a truly deep and probing question from a black card, such as “why am i sticky?” or “what did vin diesel eat for dinner?” and everyone else answers with their funniest white card: “a micropenis,” “glenn beck screwing a donkey,” “ghandi,” or “powerful thighs.”

completely pc and family-friendly.

Screen Shot 2012-12-31 at 3.26.01 PMthe more liquor you add the better and entirely incomprehensible the answers become. and the more people’s truly horrible inner-thoughts (autocannibalism anyone?) come out.

AND it comes in spanish, italian, german, Portuguese, polish, french, hebrew, dutch, estonian, danish, AND pirate. (i know you were worried.)

so as we ring in the new year, full of hope and ambition, i will salute my friends and wish upon them a year filled with “oompa loompas,” “toni morrison’s vagina,” and “super soakers full of cat pee” in plenty.

happy to new year to all, and to all a humanity filled night.